xtool x100 pad tablet manual,xtool x100 pad price:€414.00

xtool x100 pad manual:
1. This manual is designed for the usage of XTOOL X100 PAD Tablet, applying to X-100 PAD automotive diagnosis platform.
No part of this manual can be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical,photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of Xtool.
XTOOL X-100 X100 PAD Tablet Key Programmer
2. Use the device only as described in this manual. The user will be responsible solely for the after – effects of violating the laws and regulations caused by using the product or its data information, in this case Xtool will not bear any legal responsibility.
3. Xtool shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages or for any economic consequential damages arising from the accidents of individual users and the third parties, misuse or abuse of the device, unauthorized change or repair of the device, or the failure made by the user not to use the product according to the manual.
4. All information, specifications and illustrations in this manual are based on the latest configurations and functions available at the time of printing. Xtool reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice.
5.is the registered trademark of SHENZHEN XTOOLTECH CO.,LTD.
6.In countries that the trademarks, service marks, domain names, logos and the name of the company are not registered, Xtool claims that it still reserves the ownership of the unregistered trademarks,service marks, domain names, logos and the company name. All other marks for the other products and the company’s name mentioned in the manual still belong to the original registered company. You may not use the trademarks, service marks, domain names, logos and company name of Xtool or other companies mentioned without X-100 PAD 2 writt en permission from the trademark holder.
7. Please visit www.xtooltech.com for more information on the X-100 PAD.
8. Xtool reserves the right for the final interpretation of this manual content. Xtool X-100 PAD User Manual Instructions Please read this user manual carefully before using the X-100 PAD.
When reading the manual, please pay special attention to the words “Note”, “Caution” or “Warning”,read them carefully for appropriate operation.
Xtool X-100 PAD Main Unit
Avoid shaking or dismantling the unit as it may damage the internal components.
Do not use hard or sharp objects to touch the LCD screen; do not use excessive force; do not expose the screen to strong sunlight for a long period. Caution: keep
it away from water, moisture, high temperature or very low temperature. If necessary, calibrate the screen before testing to ensure the accuracy of LCD performance.
Keep the main unit away from strong magnetic fields. Operation Instructions For safe operation please follow the instructions below:
Keep the scanner away from heat or fumes when using it. If the vehicle battery contains acid,please keep your hands and skin or fire sources away from the battery during testing. Exhaust gas of vehicle contains harmful chemicals,please ensure adequate ventilation. Do not touch the cooling system components or exhaust manifolds
when engine is running due to the high temperatures reached.
Make sure the car is securely parked, Neutral is selected or the X-100 PAD 3 selector is at P or N position to prevent the vehicle from moving when engine starts.
Make sure the (DLC) diagnostic link connector is functioning properly before starting the test to avoid damage to the Diagnostic Computer.
Do not switch off the power or unplug the connectors during testing, otherwise you may damage the ECU and/or the Diagnostic
