CG-Pro Jaguar Land Rover Immobilizer Feedback and Guide

From CG-Pro V1.3.4.0 key math for Jaguar/Land Rover 3L40K works, to CG-Pro V2.0.2.0 Jaguar/Land Rover KVM-XET256 XEQ384 key programming works, CG-Pro keeps updating Jaguar/Land Rover car models.


OK list……

Added Key for Jaguar/Land Rover KVM-XET256 XEQ384


Add Immobilizer for Land Rover Discovery 3 …OK


Add Anti-theft Computer for Land Rover BCM-XEP100 & Land Rover BCM-XEP768…OK


Add Key Matching for Jaguar/Land Rover 3L40K…OK


Added Key for Jaguar/Land Rover KVM-XET256 XEQ384…OK


How -to-use instructions:

Coming soon.