The newest software of Scania Diagnos & Programmer 3 (SDP3) has been updated to V2.53.5 in Feb. 2023. Here shares the related links to free download and activate. This version requires Microsoft .Net framework 4.8 or higher.
V 2.53.5 Scania SDP3 software free download link:
Size: 1.66 GB
Scania VCI SDP3 V2.53.5 + Activation without Dongle:
Note: Free activation is locked to one PC.
Multi-language supported: English, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Persian, Finnish, Russian, Thai, Turkish, Swedish, Chinese, Czech, Japanese, Korean, Polish and Portuguese
Operating system: Better to use on Win10 Pro!
Other systems test by your side
Compatible device: SCANIA VCI3
Scania SDP3 2.53.5 installation guide:
1- Execute Administrator “_prereqset64v3”
2- Restart computer
3- Execute _install.cmd in “x64” folder
4- Execute “Hardware ID Reader.exe” and copy HWID
5- Execute “Protection REG.exe”, paste your HWID
6- Decode Fingerprint
7- Change date to 2025
8- Press Generate…
9- Execute .reg
10- Execute “Time.exe” and click crack.
11- Go to x64 and execute _restart.cmd
12- Replace all files in root folder SDP3
SDP3 2.53.5 activation guide:
Method 1: Follow the prompt to install the software easily. After installation, run Hardware ID reader, generate hardware ID, and put ID into the activator to get the activation file. Then Merge the registration file.
Method 2: Provide your hardware ID to our customer service to get the activation file. Then Merge the registration file
More Scania SDP3 software versions:
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V2.51.1 Scania SDP3 Software Download
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