How use Launch M-Diag Lite with Android diagnose BMW F18 520?

First new Launch M-Diag Lite test report is coming! This blog eobdtool will show you how use Launch M-Diag Lite with Android phones to diagnose BMW F18 520. Check below real pictures:


Plug Launch M-Diag Lite into car 16 pin OBD port. Open Launch M-Diag BMW software V49.50 with Android phone.

Click “Confirm” and your phone will automatically search Launch M-Diag Bluetooth. Just click “Pair” to connect it.

Choose “Automatically Search” on main menu.

Then click “16 Pin Socket”.

Now Launch M-Diag Lite Bluetooth will show you BMW F18 520 vehicle information as below:

Click “Quick Test” and you start to scan BMW.

It will scan full car systems. Wait for a complete to 100%.

After that you can click “Fault Report” to get more details.

Or you can choose “Read Data Stream” to view data stream.

Where to get Launch M-Diag Lite with one free car software?

85 free shipping for Launch M-Diag Lite + one free software