(Solved) Ford VCM IDS 3 Error: Unregistered or license expired
Question: Hello the problem is that I lost the order number of the piece but I bought it six months ago it turns out that the program got blocked and I updated it on your page and the FLY gives me that message I bought the piece with the 111 version for ford and mazda and on its page it is with the 113 version I would like to know if you can help me with this problem that I have I would appreciate beforehand for your help Error message: FLY VCM IDS3: I have the same as what's claimed on the web source: http://www.eobdtool.co.uk/wholesale/vcm-ids-3-obd2-diagnostic-scanner-tool-for-ford-mazda.html Solution: please download the latest Quickloader v5.11 to test http://flyobd.com/shop/download-center/ Feedback: Thank you, I have already updated it and I… Continue Reading