W204 all keys lost, Xhorse VVDI MB BGA tool make key procedure

Someone is wondering with what is the procedure that we need to do when we have all keys lost for a w204 and we got a new ezs from dealer or other?

Xhorse VVDI MB BGA tool


VVDI MB BGA Tool vvdi MB BGA tool-10 vvdi MB BGA tool-0

How to adapt it to the car and also how to edit the pass because it's at virgin state (factory state)?

Device will automatically generate keys and also make a password ?

Currently version W204 all key lost steps: (user should buy a new EIS first)

  1. Read EIS data via obd,then Save EIS data
  2. adapt ESL:Read ESL data->Get Erase Password->Renew ESL
  3. Change new EIS, Load EIS data(step1)->write Key Password(enter manually and at random)->Write EIS data
  4. Personalize W204 ESL
  5. Load EIS data(with Key Password)->Prepare Key File
  6. Input new Key to device IR reader->Load Key file->write
  7. Insert new Key to EIS->EIS will learn the new key->key learn success

This is from obd tool website Auto Key Programmer technical support:W204 all keys lost, Xhorse VVDI MB BGA tool make key procedure
