How to Solve SVCI ING NISSAN Failed to Login?

Here offer the solution to fix the problem about SVCI ING NISSAN failed to login and could not do any function as the password is forgotten.
svci ing baochi

Method 1: Use the available email address (user name) registered to retrieve password, after that, login again.
Method 2: If the user name is forgotten, register an account again with a new email address.
Newest SVCI ING V1.7 (BAOCHI cloud diagnostic software) free download link:

Size: 99.5 MB
No password!
Security: Can be used with security and relief

System requirement:
Windows: windows7/8/10
Android: Android V5.1 above
Network: 3G above

Reference: SVCI ING BAOCHI Cloud Diagnostic Software Download, Register, Bind & Unbind

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