PCR2.1 Unlock with SM2 Pro and Godiag ECU GPT Boot Adapter

In this post, you will learn how to read a blocked PCR2.1 with SM2 Pro clone and Godiag ECU GPT Boot AD ECU Connector.

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First, open the ECU and connect with the SM2 Pro and Godiag ECU Adapter.

You need only connect Power and ground Can High and Can Low. You don’t must connect GPT 0 and GPT1 for reading.

I have to resist resistor each one is 1 Kohm.

I didn’t cut this one because maybe I will use it what I want to tell you I use this Godiag adapter.

I’m quite happy with this one.

I would show you also why when I will connect the power supply and make the screen recording.

It’s really useful because you don’t want to solder the resistor. I was really too lazy but I can connect straight from the Godiag BOOT resistance board.

Because you have all these type of resistors, and when you don’t push the button, it will take automatically the resistance. When you push the button, it will jump to 100 ohms definitely

The connection is done now.

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Then open pcmflash software on the desktop to identify ECU info and read data.

This is the PCM flash old version 1.20

Select Protocol 57, VAG: PCR2.1 (EEPROM/UNLOCK/BSL)

This is the connection make it for BSL reading because this ECU is protected.

Go to identify the ECU.

We connect now the power supply and pay attention over here. When I connect it on the voltage and you’ll see we don’t have the drop anymore like before. We have error because I noticed I don’t have a current on the power supply. It doesn’t take current, and it’s a power supply problem.

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Take another one to try straight away, we have power now and also our ECU is ready to be read. Now we proceed to read pay attention on the voltage I will save here okay.

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You see everything it’s done with success and this is the way how we can read this ECU with PCMtuner or sm2 Pro.

It is not different between these two programmers and after unlocking the ECU.

Now we are able to read and write this PCR 2.1 through OBD.

You can also read this ECU without this Godiag ECU GPT Boot Adapter. But it’s quite good to make its job and it’s up to you.

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In addition, CG FC-200 and Foxflash are good choices to unlock PCR2.1.

CG FC200 can read blocked PCR2.1 successfully. It doesn’t need any more intervention on the PCB. Automatically reads the ECU, you receive the password if you are connected to the CG server.

Foxflash ECU Programmer also can unlock VAG SIMOS PCR2.1 via OBD/Bench no issues.

Foxflash Unlock VAG SIMOS PCR2.1 via OBD/Bench- Success

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