VAG DQ200 and DQ250 Gearbox Read by Godiag GT107+ Scanmatik2 Pro (SM2 Pro)

Is it possible to use Godiag GT107+ DSG Plus Gearbox Adapter and Scanmatik2 Pro to read VAG DQ200 and DQ250 gearbox data?


Yes! To perform this function, you also require a PCMTuner USB Smart Dongle to work with. Scanmatik 2 Pro (SM2 Pro) supports automatic data reading, no need to press the GT107+ analog ignition switch. You can complete the whole process offline, no need for a network connection.


How to read VAG DQ200 gearbox with Godiag GT107+ and SM2 Pro?

How to read VAG DQ250 gearbox with Godiag GT107+ and SM2 Pro?


Godiag GT107+ VAG DQ200 wiring diagram:

godiag gt107 scanmatik2 pro read vag dq200 dq250 1 godiag gt107 scanmatik2 pro read vag dq200 dq250 2

Godiag GT107+ VAG DQ250 wiring diagram:

godiag gt107 scanmatik2 pro read vag dq200 dq250 3 godiag gt107 scanmatik2 pro read vag dq200 dq250 4

Connection steps:

1.Plug the PCMTuner Dongle to computer

2.Connect SM2 Pro J2534 VCI to computer via USB cable, and connect to GT107+ Adapter via main cable

3.Connect GT107+ and DQ200/DQ250 gearbox via the DB9 DSG gearbox universal conversion jumper

4.Plug the power supply to GT107+

5.Press 120 ohm CAN resistance switch


Scanmatik supports automatic data reading, no need to press GT107+ ignition switch button.



After connection, run pcmflash sofwtare to read VAG DQ200 or DQ250 gearbox data.

Select J2534: Scanmatik- SM2 USB as interface

For VAG DQ200, select ECU- [58]: VAG DQ200/MQB Boot (EEPROM)

For VAG DQ250, select ECU- [58]: VAG DQ250 E/F/MQB Boot (EEPROM)

First, idenfify the gearbox TCU info.

When it asks “Wolud you like to use automatic power control (L-Line)?”

Click “Yes”, and the hardware is identified.

godiag gt107 scanmatik2 pro read vag dq200 dq250 5 godiag gt107 scanmatik2 pro read vag dq200 dq250 6 godiag gt107 scanmatik2 pro read vag dq200 dq250 7 godiag gt107 scanmatik2 pro read vag dq200 dq250 8

Second, read and backup EEPROM data

Also click “Yes” when it asks “Wolud you like to use automatic power control (L-Line)?”

Godiag GT107+ DSG Plus Adapter shows the voltage automatically

godiag gt107 scanmatik2 pro read vag dq200 dq250 9

Read and save VAG DQ200 and DQ250 successfully.

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