This article is a comparative review of Xhorse VVDI Key Tool Plus and Autel MaxiIM IM608.
Generally, at least we should have an all-in-one device.
For Key Tool Plus, No subscriptions, all updates are free.
For IM608, of course it has a cost per subscription. This is the problem although it’s a good device. If IM608 Update Service expires, some functions are turned off, that is, when new ones come, you don’t need to update it immediately, wait a month because they will fix some bugs and errors.
Smart key programming
Autel will cope much better since there is a APB112 emulator for smart keys. For Xhorse, it’s not there, but it has other gadgets for all keys lost, some special cables (Toyota 8A Non-smart Key Adapter) about 200 or 300 dollars that allow you to connect directly to immobilizer.
Other paid items
For IM608, no more fees except subscription. Online calculations are free.
For Key Tool Plus, yes it has several tokens and online payments. But in my experience, I calculate 48 chips to clone 100 points. I prepared an XM key for Toyota for 200 points for the first time, but I was also given a new key token. In my case, I didn't buy tokens, all of which were accumulated with new keys.
Key reset
Both have a seperate menu and wires on which you connect it to key PCB.
Key coil/slot design
Key Tool Plus has a plus-minus area constructively designed for reading keys. You put your key there, and then you’ll know if it’s locked, which chip there is, if it’s a smart key
Autel also has an adapter that can read the info (XP200/XP400/XP400Pro). Generally it’s the same but it’s inconvenient and you have to remember to take it.
Autel devices are originally created for diagnostics, for programming, for various functions. While from a diagnostic point of view, this Key Tool Plus lag behind.
Odometer correction
Both don’t do this.
Personal View
If all the same, honestly I would buy a Key Tool Plus. The most important thing for me is I don’t want to pay an annual subscription. If you have a Key Master 5 or an Xtool there, you don’t have to count on this as an all-in-one device; If not, you can count on it because it has budget cars all there, Toyota smart key, Mitsubishi…
Sometimes you could not make a car with a device, don’t immediately say it’s bad.
Anyway, it’s up to you.
Part of materials from Elia
Hope it could help.