BMW E84 CAS3 Read/Write: Xprog, CGpro, R270, Carprog, Iprog or UPA?

This post will use different ECU programmers to read the original EEPROM & Flash data and write them into a new BMW E84 CAS3 module, and check which one is better to choose.



The BMW E84 car with CAS3 module doesn’t start normally. It starts to crank the engine but stops cranking after half or one second. The possible cause is that another 12 volt is controlled from pin 22 (biggest one) to second one, and another situation is that it full contacts on the plus will come from alternator it will go to CAS3. Have diagnosed the car, and the board is damaged.

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ECU programmers used:

X-prog M, CG Pro 9S12, R270, Carprog, Iprog, UPA V1.3

bmw e84 cas3 read write by cg pro xprog 2 CG Pro 9S12 Programmer

It’s the best tool to make full backup on CAS modules, but on FRM it is not so good.

Connect CG Pro, CAS3 module, and computer, and run software

DB25 Adapter connection diagram

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0L15Y connection diagram

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Select Immobilizer>> BMW>> CAS3-0L15Y to read and save EEPROM data

And select CAS3-0L15Y (PFLASH Backup) to read and save PFLASH data

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Whole reading process is very fast. R270+ Programmer

Run R270 In Circuit Programmer software

Select MCU type-0L15Y (512K)>> Picture>> CAS3+ 0L15Y>> OK

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Follow the wiring diagram to connect device and CAS3 module

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Then read eeprom and flash data in sequence (check PIN state automatically)

Save the related data file

All work fine!

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Compare the files read by R270+ and CG Pro 9S12, they are the same.

bmw e84 cas3 read write by cg pro xprog 11 X-PROG BOX

Run software, select device>> Freescale 9S12XD-secured>> MC9S12XDP512-EEPROM-secured>> Show Connection Diagram

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Connect device and CAS3 module properly

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Read eeprom faster than other tools.

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It’s not lightling anymore because it just stops reading.


4.By other tools

For UPA, Carprog, and Iprog+ Pro clone, they will not work to read this module on the circuit.

Need to desolder the MCU and read it on adapter.


In summary, CG Pro 9S12 Programmer and R270+ are good choices to clone BMW E84 CAS3.


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