CGDI Prog BMW MSV80 key programmer feedback & FAQ (newest & full)

CGDI Prog BMW MSV80 key programmer feedback on what can work and frequently asked questions and answers.

CGDI BMW Feedback 1:

I just got the CGDI for BMW based on reading good reviews for their Mercedes tool. Have not seen much info for the BMW tool so I thought Id give a quick run down from my experience so far with the tool.

For making keys it has worked great. I have made about 7 keys so far all CAS types except CAS4.

I tried to read ISN on 3 cars and failed. I think it may only read ISN from MSV80/85 ecu's. Will try on the MSV80 soon and will update. All done by OBD.

I have BMWExplorer and have used Autohex as well, but if you only need to program keys and you're not concerned with ISN for DME swaps, I would buy the CGDI before those tools.

It's supposed to do ISN but the advertising wording can be misleading. It may only be able to read ISN of 2 types of DME. So far that's how its looking. Will contact my vendor to verify and see if there is an update preventing ISN reads.

For the money its worth it just to be able to program the CAS3 keys. It works super fast literally less than 2 minutes beginning to end. Faster than BMWExplorer for sure. I have yet to successfully do FEM key with Explorer so as far as Im concerned it has the same key programming capability as the CGDI.


BIG THANKS to macp


CGDI BMW Feedback 2:

  1. 19-03-2018

Excellent tool so far. no bricks or problems.

extremely fast for cas1, 2 & 3

for cas3+ if need downgrade 10 minutes and seems safe, ISN read from DME 10 minutes does not support all DME is downside.

make sure you have proper power on the car


  1. 19-03-2018

cas4 F10 – ok (new key)
cas4+ F10 – ok (new key) isn from org key or dump DME
fem/bdc F31 – ok – reset mileage, change isn, change vin, make keys with oryginal key and with dump from DDE
cas3+ E60- ok , downgrade and make key with isn from org key

Feedback 3. 24-08-2018

mine CGDI BMW has activated no issues, updates and everything fine. this programmer has been very good and ive never had an issue. i havnt need to contact support yet.


Feedback 4. 25-08-2018

So far i tried it to read ISN form MSV80 result OK
read and wright ISN cas 3 result OK


Feedback 5. 08-09-2018

Did a 2008 E60 528i it asked for DownGrade it took around 10min no error codes this time all perfect key works.




Q1: on CGDI BMW info it says supports bmw key unlock, does that mean I can reuse an old key and reprogram it?

also how safe if downloading for cas3+, i only ran into this issue one time and I did not downgrade as worried mess things up. I'm curious how well this programmer works.


A: Yes, you can reuse an old key and reprogram it.
and yes it is safe if downgrade for CAS3+.

Q: how do you unlock the key and reuse did you try this?

A: there is a button that says unlock key. I tried and worked with aftermarket key, did not try on an original bmw key to unlock(tested on e60 cas2)


Q2: Key programming steps for cas4 I have f10

A: Cas4 can only be done by reading DFlash from Freescale cpu then load into programmer software and generade key. It can no ne done by obd.

You need xprog or vvdi prog to read the dflash.


Q3: CGDI BMW need to pay every 6 month subscription same as CGDI Mercedes ?

A: No


CGDI Prog BMW MSV80 Car Key Programmer ship from UK: