How to Do Self-Test on Yanhua Mini ACDP 1/ACDP 2?

Customer problem:

Hook up yanhua acdp 2 with an old Yanhua cable for FEM and hook up the power to the cable instead to the yanhua and the fem starts to blink, I assume the FEM was damaged.

I purchase another FEM but when I try to ready it normally with power to the yanhua with the adapter, not with that cable and read fine, but after a few minutes that module give me the same problem. What part of the equipment is damaged or damaging FEM? engineer gives the suggestion:

Please do a self-test on ACDP software by yourself.


Special>> ACDP Check>> Device IO self-check

mini acdp 1 acdp 2 self test 1
mini acdp 1 acdp 2 self test 2

mini acdp 1 acdp 2 self test 3


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