GM MDI GDS2 Tech2 Win software is updated to V2023.5 now. It only can be used on Win10 Pro 64 bit computer to diagnose GM vehicles till 2024.
V2023.5 GM MDI GDS Tech 2 Win Software Sata HDD 500GB:
Update info:
System supported: Win10 Pro 64bit
Software Version: V2023.5
Update time: GM Global V2023.5.0
Supports GM (all Vauxhall / Opel 16 pin vehicles) from 1996 to 2024
Compatible device: Both China GM MDI USB version and GM MDI scanner wifi version
Tech2win: English only
GDS2 Multi-language: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Russian, Thai, Japanese, Korean, Chinese
GM MDI GDS2 software display:
How to use:
Disconnect the original HDD inside your PC, and insert the HDD with GM MDI GDS2 software into your computer, then the software can be used directly with the GM MDI scanner, which doesn’t need activation by users.
Please kindly notice:
* Please make sure your computer supports Win10 Pro 64 bit system.
* Computer system requirements: the year after 2008, 4GB RAM
* If computer failed to boot up, please enter BOIS system and change the SATA driver to AHCI.
* Laptop with AMD Processor is not supported.
* Processor with Intel Chip is required.
* RDS is the software Roewe, which is made in China, so the software language is in Chinese only.
* If you changed the time zone or want to backup the GM MDI software, but get the error code “No Valid Lease Found”. A GDS2 online activation service is required.