Lonsdor K518S Latest Update: SSANG YONG

Lonsdor K518s Latest Update with SSANG YONG, It update Immobilizer and Smart key programming for Actyon ,Chairman,Korando,Kyron,Musso,Rexton,Rodus and Tivolan. Lonsdor K518S SSANG YONG Update List: Actyon sports(II)\Diesel\Smart key Actyon sports(II)\Diesel\Immobilizer Actyon sports(II)\Petrol\Smart key Actyon\XDi System Actyon\Diesel Actyon\Petrol Chairman\XDi System Chairman\Diesel Chairman\Petrol\Immobilizer… Continue Reading

SD connect C4 programmed Mercedes GLA 250 ESP & E200 front lights: Done!

Look here: SD connect c4 multiplexer tested Mercedes GLA 250 & E200 for programming. MERCEDES GLA 250 2017: System programming ESP Purchased SD connect c4 off http://www.eobdtool.co.uk/wholesale/latest-version-mb-sd-connect-compact-4-star-diagnosis.html MERCEDES E200 2017: Programming of front lights modules MERCEDES E200 2017 new generation systems.