CGDI Prog BMW Key Programmer Add FEM/BDC Key with Godiag BMW Test Platform

Generate FEM/BDC key with CGDI BMW Pro and Godiag FEM/BDC Test Platform on bench.

Step 1: Connect device

godiag fem test platform add fem key with cgdi bmw 1

Step2: Read Original Key Info

Run CGDI BMW software

Click FEM/BDC Key Match on the main menu

Select one blank key (i.e. key 8) and click “Generate dealer key”

godiag fem test platform add fem key with cgdi bmw 2

Select “Reading the car key” to enter the ISN code

godiag fem test platform add fem key with cgdi bmw 3

Put the original key into to the induction coil of Godiag FEM/BDC Test Platform

Read the key info successfully.

godiag fem test platform add fem key with cgdi bmw 4 godiag fem test platform add fem key with cgdi bmw 5

Step 3: Generate and identify new key with Autel KM100

Put a new key into the coil of Autel MaxiIM KM100E

Generate key and read the key info, the key status is not locked.

godiag fem test platform add fem key with cgdi bmw 6

Step 4: Program new key with CGDI BMW

Put the new key generated into to the induction coil of Godiag FEM Test Platform

Program key successfully

godiag fem test platform add fem key with cgdi bmw 7

Press the Start button of Godiag Test Platform, the programmed key lights up the analog dashboard

godiag fem test platform add fem key with cgdi bmw 8

Step 5: Identify new key with Autel KM100

Use Autel KM100E to read the new key again, the key is locked now.

The FEM key programming is successful.

godiag fem test platform add fem key with cgdi bmw 9
