Launch X431 IMMO Elite Program New Keys to VW 4th All Keys Lost

How to make a new key to 4th generation Volkswagen with Launch X431 IMMO Elite if the car keys are lost? It’s easy to program key online. Only need 3 steps.


Ensure the network connection and the voltage are normal during the operation.

Connect X431 IMMO Elite, XPROG 3 and IMMO model correctly as figure shown below

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Step 1: Read immobilizer data

Enter IMMO function in the main menu

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Tap VW>> VW newest car software version>> accept the disclaimer

Select Online Key Matching>> 4th Generation CAN Instrument>> All Keys Are Lost

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Insert the mechanical key, and turn on the ignition switch

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Confirm the current key is a smart key

Click OK to turn on the hazard warning indicator

The server starts reading the anti-theft data

Keep patient and wait a moment till the anti-theft information is obtained successfully.

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Step 2: Generate dealer key

Confirm to generate dealer key

Confirm not to generate OEM key

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Note: Generating OEM key is able to start vehicle without key learning, and will not change any data of instrument.

Put a blank key into the X431 XPROG3 key programmer

If the key is locked, the server will prompt to unlock it, just click YES to continue

Select VW

The server will communicate with the key.

Wait a moment and the dealer key will be generated successfully.

If you want to learn multiple keys, click YES to repeat the previous steps to generate. Otherwise, click No.

Key matching is completed.

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Step 3: Learn key

Confirm the key is smart key

Input the number of keys to be learned (I.e 2)

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Select VW

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Place the first key on the position of vehicle key induction coil, and click OK

Note: It may cause learning failed if other keys are too close to the coil.

Then use the same process to learn the second key

Key learning is successful, 2 keys are completed.

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Launch X431 IMMO Elite with Xprog 3 successfully program new keys to VW 4th generation all keys lost without any issue.


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