Lonsdor KW100 Quick Generate 2023 Camry with Key/AKL

Confirmed! 2023 Camry generated and programmed new key and all keys lost by Lonsdor KW100 Bluetooth Smart Key Generator, LT20 smart key and Lonsdor K518 Pro Key Programmer perfectly.


Lonsdor KW100 Quick Generate 2023 Camry AKL:

1.Acquire data

Make sure the connection between KW100 and the smartphone is correct (via USB cable)

Simulate the alarm active situation for this car

Open Lonsdor APP and select KW100

Select Quick generate>> Quick generate (AKL)> Connect Bluetooth

lonsdor kw100 quick generate 2023 camry with key and akl 1

Press the Start button every five seconds

Acquire data successfully

lonsdor kw100 quick generate 2023 camry with key and akl 2 lonsdor kw100 quick generate 2023 camry with key and akl 3

2.Generate key with LT20

Place the Lonsdor LT20 smart key to be generated in the card slot

Choose Button3Trunk+ Button4Panic

Click “Start to generate”

Generate key successfully

lonsdor kw100 quick generate 2023 camry with key and akl 4

3.Program all keys lost with Lonsdor K518 Pro

Use K518 Pro to add key using the AKL programming path

Hold the LT20 smart remote close to Star button, when buzzer beeps once, take the key away from the button

Follow the prompt to operate step by step

Program 2023 Camry all keys lost successfully

4.Test the new key

Test the remote function of Lonsdor LT20 and start the car, all works.

lonsdor kw100 quick generate 2023 camry with key and akl 5


Lonsdor KW100 Quick Generate 2023 Camry with Key:

1.Acquire data with original key

Use the above same method to connect KW100 and smartphone

Select Quick generate (with Key)

Put the original key on the identification coil of KW100 to acquire data

Acquired successfully

lonsdor kw100 quick generate 2023 camry with key and akl 6 lonsdor kw100 quick generate 2023 camry with key and akl 7

2.Generate key with LT20 smart key

Place Lonsdor LT20 remote into KW100 coil

Select Button3Trunk +Button4Panic to generate

Generate key successfully

lonsdor kw100 quick generate 2023 camry with key and akl 8

3.Add new key with K518 Pro

Put the LT20 smart key into the coil of K518 Pro key programmer

Follow the prompt to press Start button, etc

Add new key successfully

lonsdor kw100 quick generate 2023 camry with key and akl 9

4.Test the new key

Test the remote function of LT20 smart key, works fine!

Take the original key out of the car, and test the smart function of Lonsdor LT20

Start the car normally!

lonsdor kw100 quick generate 2023 camry with key and akl 10 lonsdor kw100 quick generate 2023 camry with key and akl 11

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