Super MB Pro M6 Error Code 661 Solution

Customer problem:

There is something wrong with my Super MB Pro M6. It works well before, but now the software cannot connect with my car. I have done self-test. The device doesn’t have any issue and the cables are also OK. I try to do a firmware update, it shows the information fine, ip set etc, but it gives me the error DCDI_eErrorCode=661 (661). Have any idea to fix it?

super mb pro m6 error code 661 solution 1 engineer gives the solution:

1.Replace three files in the SDconnect Toolkit bin folder as below:

  • TkAdministration.exe
  • ToolkitApiDll.dll
  • VersionLoader.dll

super mb pro m6 error code 661 solution 2

Note: Contact our customer service to get the replacement files.

2.Change network connection configuration:

Go to Network and internet>> network connections

Set vEthernet (Default switch)

super mb pro m6 error code 661 solution 3

Open internet protocol version 4 (TCP/IIPV4) properties to set IP address and DNS server address

Tick ‘Use the following IP addresses’

IP address:

Subnet mask:

Tick ‘Use the following DNS server addresses’

Tap OK

super mb pro m6 error code 661 solution 4


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