It’s easy and perfect to generate remote and program key to Chevrolet by Launch X431 IMMO Plus/IMMO Elite and X431 Key Programmer.
With Launch X431 Key Programmer, you can read transponder & remote frequency and generate remote on X431 IMMO Plus/Elite. It requires you to update the key programmer software on the device before performing the remote generation and key adding functions.
How to Upgrade and Setup Launch Tool to Work with X431 Key Programmer Remote Maker?
Operation process:
Connect Launch IMMO Matching Tool, X431 Remote Maker and vehicle correctly
STEP 1: Update Key Programmer Software to the Latest Version
Select Key Programmer>> Update
Check if the software is the newest version. If not, update it first
STEP 2: Read Transponder
Select “Read Transponder”
Put the original car key into the coil of Launch X-431 Key Programmer to read transponder
Remember the original car key chip model after reading
STEP 3: Detect Frequency
Select “Frequency detection”
Put the original car key close to Launch Key Programmer
Detect the frequency is 315Mhz
STEP 4: Generate Vehicle Remote
Select Vehicle Remote>> Chevrolet>> All remotes>> Chevrolet KeylessGo ID46 (315)
Put the key into the coil of Launch Key Programmer to generate remote
Burn successfully
STEP 5: Add New Key
After generation, open the Anti-Theft software to add a new key.
Select IMMO>> GM>> Anti-Theft Key Matching>> Automatically Search
Confirm the vehicle info
Select Anti-Theft Key Matching>> Mechanical Key>> All Key Lost
Close all doors, and turn ignition on
Input the 4-digits Immobilizer key password and confirm the value is correct
Turn off ignition and pull out the key
Open door and close door, ensure that all electrical equipments are off
Input the key need to be programmed and turn on the ignition
Program key successfully
Use the same operation guide to program another key
Now program 2 keys with X-431 IMMO Plus/X431 IMMO Elite successfully
Finally, use the keys programmed to start the car and test remote, all work fine!