How to clone EDC16U1 VW Golf 1 9TDI Engine ECU with ALIENTECH Kess3?
There is the related connection diagram and operation guide in the Kess3 software, which makes you clone the ECU easier.
1.Remove the ECU from the vehicle
2.Open the ECU being careful not to damage the parts inside
3.Reconnect the ECU to the vehicle and start the engine. In order to make sure the ECU is still in working order and has not been damaged in the opening
4.Remove again the ECU from the vehicle
5.Connect to the ECU
6.Select Identify ECU in the programming menu to allow correct recognition of the ECU
7.Always make a full backup of the ECU
8.Proceed with reading/writing
Direct Connection:
1.Solder the pin headers to the programming pads. Make sure not to make short-circuit between the pads.
Note: The first four pads on the right are not used.
2.Set the ribbon cable 144300T100 on the pin headers
3.Connect the ribbon cable 144300T100 to the KESS3 ECU Programmer
4.Plug in the bench power supply 1400K3ALIM to the Kess V3
5.Remove the soldered pin headers before reinstalling the ECU to the vehicle
Connection with positioning frame:
1.Set the ALIENTECH Kess V3 on the Plexiglas® deck of the positioning frame 14P800DIMA;
2.Plug in the bench power supply 1400K3ALIM to the KESS3:
3.Set the ECU on the positioning frame 14P800DIMA;
4.Connect the ribbon cable 144300T100 to the adapter 14AM00T01M and the KESS3;
5.Set the adapter 14AM00T01M into the compartment of the frame and lower the adapter on the ECU, start from Pin 1 shown in the picture:
After connected, run ALIENTECH suite software to operate
Step 1: Obtain ECU model
Input EDC16U1 in the searching box to find the corresponding ECU model quickly
Such as Golf (5th) 1K1 (2003) 1.9 TDI 4Motion 5MT 77 Bosch EDC16U1
Go to next page
Step 2: Select connection method
Select the connection method and continue
Step 3: Backup the original ECU data
Identify ECU, read backup data
Clone ECU and read the ECU, save the new data
Step 4: Backup the new ECU data
Unplug the original ECU and plug a new ECU
Identify ECU, read backup data
Clone ECU and upload the original ECU data to write into the new EDC16U1 VW ECU
Related Kess V3 FAQs:
Q: Kess 3 looks so expensive, is it worth the money?
A: Originals are always the best though expensive. However, it makes the work easier. Clones risks of ECU damage are very high.
Q: Can it be done with slave kess3?
A: Yes, it can be done with kess3 Master version or slave version.
Q: Do you need to renew /virgin the replacement ECU before cloning it with Kess V3?
A: For cloning service you don’t need virgin ECU.
Q: Why did you do back up read on the second ECU?
A: All the time we make a full backup from replacement ECU because sometimes customer change mind and we must be able to restore original data.