How to Solve Scania VCI3 Envelope Unknown Error (E0031)?

Here share the solution to resolve Scania VCI3 envelope unknown error (E0031) after installation.

Some suggestions from the users who have the same problem:
Try to install it on fresh windows. That works for me.

You need to replace files using FIX files.

Fresh windows solve the problem. technician offers the solution as below:
Uninstall the current Scania SDP3 software and download the latest software 2.50.2.
Resource 1: Mega link
Size: 969.5 MB
No password!

Resource 2: Chinese weiyun
Password: 8xc3a5
No risk!
Note: If you don’t have a weiyun account, feel free to contact our customer service ASAP.

Scania SDP3 V2.50.2 is compatible with all available Scania VCI3 truck diagnostic tools- item No. SH58 & SH58-B (simply version and cheap) and SH58-C (best quality).

Operating system:
Win7 sp1 ultimate edition 32 or 64
Win7 pro sp1 just 32 bit
Win10 pro

Please follow the installation guide in this post to install SDP3 2.50.2 properly.
Free Download & Install Scania VCI3 SDP3 2.50.2 on Win7Win10 Pro

For further problems, feel free to contact our customer service.
WhatsApp/Hotline:+86 159 7293 3706

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