Yanhua ACDP VS VVDI2 BMW for CAS4 key programming

Question: file with yanhua mini ACDP cas do (will work) cas 4 key in vvdi2 bmw.4 please reply after 100% making sure you want to use yanhun mini as a cas reader (it's a non-intrusive cas 4 reading method).

Answer: Yanhua ACDP won't get the data lost after reading, because it can detect intelligently, if bad contact, ACDP won't allow you to read the data.

  1. How to use Yanhua ACDP to program BMW CAS4 key?

Yanhua ACDP mini programmer BMW CAS4 feedback:

1). I've had no issues with it so far and have done cas4, cas3, frm, key renew, retrieved ISN from MSD85.

I use on laptop not phone and have very happy with it so far, the PC connection is wireless, 2.4MHz, will not work on 5G. Took me forever to find that out. It is better as I don't have to worry about transferring files back over to it from phone. You can always upload files to phone so you have them both devices.

Make sure you get any pins detected, I could understand if maybe 1 or 2 pins not detected but if not able to detect any that would point to bad unit. Be sure to use their cleaning tool for pin connections, I tried without doing when I first got it and noticed I would get no detection on certain pins. Also make sure switch on side of OBP+ICP is not in can mode. So far the hardest part of using this tool was the initial setup and authorizations, been flawless so far.

2). Reading eprom cas4 and make a key for f11 so far done.
cas4 reading eprom compared with vvdi reading and its matching 100%

  1. How to use VVDI2 BMW to program CAS4 key?

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