Yanhua ACDP on BMW CAS4 “note on C_GND test pin…”

Yanhua ACDP on BMW CAS4 “note on C_GND test pin…”, what does it mean?

Yanhua ACDP on BMW CAS4 “Note: If there is C_GND test pin on the interface board, please remove or cut it”, what does it mean? How to do?


  1. When using Yanhua ACDP to read CAS3/CAS4 data by ICP, you get thenote: If there is C_GND test pin on the interface board, please remove or cut it.

Because the user will focus attention on the EXT test point detection and normal reading and writing of data. considering the C-GND probe may affect the detection of all test points. You are advised to check whether the interface board has C-GND probe, if it has, just remove or cut the C-GND probe on the interface board by yourself.

Shown as bellow:


Remove the C-GND probe mainly for ETX test point checking, This enables all test points to test functionality.
