Digiprog 3 Update 4.94

You are available to Digiprog 3 Update 4.94 Service on eobdtool.co.uk, which can update your old version Digiprog 3 software to the newest one with only €39.00.   How to update Digiprog3 V4.88 mileage correction tool to the newest V4.94? 1. Place an order… Continue Reading

Fix Digiprog 3 v4.94 firmware to read EEPROM dumps

Though DigiProg 3 is designed to work stand-alone for the sake of the large screen display, still some others turn to like PC operation. Is it possible to make DigiProg 3 odometer correction tool (current V4.94 version) connected to PC? Someone… Continue Reading

Digiprog 3 DP3 clone V4.94 Software Update Service

Digiprog 3 odometer master clone has been updated to V4.94. If you have old version (V4.85, V4.88 etc) Digiprog3, you can update the device at €39 free shipping.  By installing the DigiProg3 V4.94 update software, you can easily update the… Continue Reading

All about digiprog 3

1.digiprog 3 update 4.94 (Digiprog 3 V4.94 Software Update Tips) 2.digiprog 3 vehicle list (Free download digiprog 3 vehicle list pdf) 3.digiprog 3 cable list (digiprog 3 cable list (pictures)) 4.digiprog 3 user manual (Free download digiprog 3 user manual) 5.Digiprog 3 use… Continue Reading

Digiprog 3 User Manual

1.Introduction to DigiProg 3: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=YXV0by10b29sLXNob3AubmV0fG1hbnVhbHN8Z3g6MTNlYTE5ZWI2YjNhNDE2MA 2.Digprog3 v4.94 adapter list: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=YXV0by10b29sLXNob3AubmV0fG1hbnVhbHN8Z3g6NjQ5ZTM2M2RjMDEyMDk0YQ 3.digiprog 3 update 4.94 (Digiprog 3 V4.94 Software Update Tips) More about 2015 Best Quality V4.94 Digiprog III Digiprog 3 Odometer Master Programmer With ST01/02 ST04 Adapter: