Launch X431 ECU Programmer Erase Benz 4th Generation 7-Speed TCU Guide

The Launch X431 tool, with its latest V10.40 software update (released January 13, 2025), now supports advanced ECU and TCU cloning. This update enables read, write, personalization, and clearing functions for Benz transmission TCU models, including VGS4-0-NAG2 and VGS4-500-NAG2, via Boot mode. Compatible devices include the Launch X431 ECU & TCU Programmer, X431 X-prog3 with PC Adapter, and Launch X431 scanners equipped with SmartLink C and X-prog3, using USB connections. This makes it an efficient solution for replacing and re-authorizing second-hand gearbox computers.

How to erase Benz 4th generation 7-speed TCU via boot with Launch X431 ECU Programmer?

The steps are as follows:

1.Connect X431 ECU Programmer to a PC
Run PC software and enter the appropriate ECU model in the system (i.e. vgs4)
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2.Access the Direct Connection Wiring Diagram
3.Follow the on-screen instructions and click “OK” to proceed.
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4.The wiring diagram offers two modes: BENCH and BOOT.
Use the BENCH mode to read data from the original car’s gearbox computer.
For wiping and personalization of the external second-hand gearbox computer, both BENCH and BOOT modes need to be connected simultaneously.
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5.After completing the connections, click “Read TCU information”
6.Click “Read EEPROM data (BENCH)”
If BENCH mode fails to read the data, switch to BOOT mode and retry.
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7.After reading the original vehicle’s ECU data, connect X431 ECU Programmer to the external ECU computer. Ensure both BENCH and BOOT modes are connected simultaneously.
Click “Erase” to clear the external ECU.
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8.Click “Personalization” and select the original Car EEPROM Data to write
Click “OK” once personalization is successful.
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9.After that, click “Read TCU Information” again to confirm if the ECU data has been successfully erased.
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10.Finally, install the ECU back into the vehicle, and complete the programming and coding process.

That’s all, hope it helps you!


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