OBDSTAR P50 Reset Airbag on TOYOTA R7F7016443 89170-08110/0A100 on Bench

OBDSTAR P50 Added TOYOTA H8SX172X.R7F7016443.R7F7016843 (60 part No.) in Airbag Reset Software V30.46 on bench on August 11th, 2023. The part No. contains R7F7016443 89170-08110, 89170-0A100 and more (Review here). Let’s see how it works on these two ECU models.


OBDSTAR P50 Reset TOYOTA 89170 0A100 Airbag on Bench:

OBDSTAR P50 Reset Toyota 89170 08110 Airbag on Bench:


What is required?

OBDSTAR CAN- FD Adapter and P004 Adapter & Jumper are required to work with P50.

Must keep P50 in charging and internet connection is normal in the whole process as well!

obdstar p50 toyota r7f7016443 reset airbag on bench 1

Menu function path:

Select Airbag Reset>> All>> Airbag Reset icon>> Airbag Reset V30.47

Input the ECU part number 0A100 or 08110 which can be found on the ECU label in the search box to quickly find the airbag ECU (Case insensitive, fuzzy search supported)

Select the corresponding ECU

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How to operate?

Click “Start”

Connect the CAN-FD Adapter before performing the corresponding function

Click [Guide] and [Pinout] to view the detailed operation procedure and wiring diagram

Connect OBDSTAR P004 Adapter and airbag ECU via the P004 Jumper

Connect OBDSTAR P004 Adapter and CAN-FD Adapter, and connect to P50 airbag reset tool via the main cable

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Step 1: Read ECU info

Read out the part number and FW number

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Step 2: Read DTC

Read out the crash fault “CRASH Event Storage Full and Locked!”

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Step 3: Read and backup EEPROM

Tap Advanced Function>> Read EEPROM (R7F7016443)

Read and save data success

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Disconnect the 12V power supply of P004 adapter (turn off the ignition) and wait for 30 seconds, and then reconnect it (turn on the ignition).

Step 4: Erase crash

Select the EEPROM data file just saved to erase

Erase crash in file successfully

Write the EEPROM data as well

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Disconnect the 12V power supply of OBDSTAR P004 adapter (turn off the ignition) and wait for 30 seconds, and then reconnect it (turn on the ignition).

Step 5: Erase DTC

Erase DTC success

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Step 6: Read DTC

No crash fault codes!

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Toyota R7F7016443 89170-08110 and 89170-0A100 airbag reset done by OBDSTAR P50 Airbag Reset Tool.


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